Single piece, bargains, remaining, 3rd choice, antique, crazing

Single piece, bargains, remaining, 3rd choice, antique, crazing

Item number
Unikate Bunzlauer Keramik Geschirr

PHP 7.00 *
(Unit price PHP 7.00 / piece )
Content 1 piece
High increasing 25 % automatic discounts for your purchase. Delivery time EU 2-5 working days.
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Original Polish pottery from Silesia.

3rd choice, antique

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Single piece as shown on the photo.

Original Polish pottery from Silesia.

3rd choice, antique, crazing

Item ID 20015165
Condition New
Manufacturer Unikate Bunzlauer Keramik Geschirr
Content 1 piece
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm
Product safety information
Unikate Bunzlauer Keramik Geschirr